Mindfulness Meditation Classes
Mindfulness practices are about learning to objectively observe ourselves: our thoughts, feelings, and impulses, and then making skillful beneficial life choices.
Mindfulness is an open curious state of mind that is intent on observing and understanding. Normally we tend to react to situations because we have placed a “value judgement” on them as good, bad or neutral. To shortcut this habit of reacting, we train the mind to simply observe our experiences, instead of attaching to or rejecting them. This detached observation of our experiences creates a space, which provides the time to decide on the most beneficial way to respond. Following this pattern, we steadily increase ours and other's happiness.
Meditation is much more than a way to relax. Science points to the benefits of mindfulness meditation for growing awareness, knowledge and acceptance. These are powerful precursors for naturally evolving behavioral-self-management--a key component of emotional intelligence and social competence.
See the Mindfulness Class Offerings below.
Upcoming classes or email to schedule a class.
Mindfulness is an open curious state of mind that is intent on observing and understanding. Normally we tend to react to situations because we have placed a “value judgement” on them as good, bad or neutral. To shortcut this habit of reacting, we train the mind to simply observe our experiences, instead of attaching to or rejecting them. This detached observation of our experiences creates a space, which provides the time to decide on the most beneficial way to respond. Following this pattern, we steadily increase ours and other's happiness.
Meditation is much more than a way to relax. Science points to the benefits of mindfulness meditation for growing awareness, knowledge and acceptance. These are powerful precursors for naturally evolving behavioral-self-management--a key component of emotional intelligence and social competence.
See the Mindfulness Class Offerings below.
Upcoming classes or email to schedule a class.
For Beginning Meditators
PRACTICES TO GROW ATTENTION (Calming and focusing the mind) This is a great beginning meditation class. The goal is training the mind to become pliable and workable so as to lessen our distracted mind state. To live a happier calmer life we must train the mind. And the mind is trained into attentiveness by keeping it on task. An aware and attentive mind is also a calm and clear mind. This 2 week foundational class will teach basic meditation techniques, and provide guidelines for establishing and maintaining a meditation practice. |
FOCUS & WELL-BEING (Extending mindfulness into daily life) In our busy lives, it's vital to introduce helpful habits that empower us to live the life we envision for ourselves. This 4 week course will, in addition to introducing a meditation technique, emphasize ways of extending your mindfulness practice off the cushion and into daily life activities. Living with mindful awareness, will develop powerful habits to calm the mind, focus attention, and manage anxiety and stress for overall well being. |
For Intermediate/Advanced Meditators
PRACTICES TO GROW SELF KNOWLEDGE (Growing self-awareness for empowered presence) The meditation techniques in this class cultivate awareness of our inner environment--the thoughts, feelings and emotions, which influence how we function and interact in the world, and shape our relationship with ourselves and others. Kind awareness and gentle acceptance lead to a harmoniously aligned self and helps us function skillfully in our interpersonal and intra-personal relationships. This 4 week class' activities are geared to foster reflection, and increase awareness of one’s strengths, resilience and coping skills. |
WITH MINDFULNESS MEDITATION (Cultivating connection & improving communication) In an increasingly divisive and fearful world, it is vitally important to train our minds, lessen our fear, and connect to our most basic human values. We all share stress, fear, and anxiety in these challenging times, so developing beneficial skills like compassion, kindness, and tolerance will help us focus on our inter-connectedness, and support our contribution to a safer, happier, and more peaceful world. In this 4 week class, you will learn meditations, practices exercises, and skills to calm yourself, and compassionately connect with others. |